Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Building Tension

I found an article about the Action Sequences of Bolt. The section on the Quick Cut Mini-Montage especially applies to Band of Gypsies because we've got a story that would benefit from as much tension as we can fit in between 1:04 and 1:35.


Here's a clip from The Incredibles

And here's a Britney Spears perfume commercial

In both of these clips there are calm, long camera moves (putting the viewer at "rest"- I think it's a false calm, but that's only because of the track paired with it) and a climax- where the audience is bombarded with images quickly and one after another, followed by a release. I am hoping to incorporate this into Band of Gypsies during the climax when Dalia comes out with the tambourine. I've made a quick list of cuts we can make for this montage:
-ECU's (extreme close-ups) of the characters eyes
-ECU of Dalia's tambourine
-Clouds moving maniacally (!) (How the heck are we going to do this in Maya..)
- Street singers with very open mouths. Think carolers. Rain dripping in front/behind them
-Feet tapping on ground surrounded by puddles
-flickering lights
-water streaming down side of something (brass instrument?)

I want this to be a time where our audience is holding their breath!!

Any comments, suggestions? Add some cuts to the list if you can think of any. Thanks!

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